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“A Creative Web of Short Stories from A Powerful Writing Talent!”
For my book please go to: http://bit.ly/PrimitiveMoon or click on the book.
Only $2.99 (less than one third of my usual book prices, so everyone can afford it).
Under a Primitive Moon is quite an apt title for this series of stories. It conjures up images of roaring fires on dark nights, perhaps with people swapping stories; or, more likely, someone casting spells. And I do not mean the good kind.
Claudio tells us these are early stories; nevertheless his writing style is already acutely developed. Claudio never lets go of the narrative; we move swiftly through only that exposition that centers the story. A good example is the description of the murderous wood in Knives of Wind; we feel what the good doctor feels, but it cannot pull us away from the action.
Whether the author populates his tale with many people, or only a few, we have no problem at all conjuring up an image of any character. My favorite one is the old man who is accosted in the bar. It feels as if we know this man, and how much it would take to provoke him. I can almost hear his thoughts: “taking you out, mister, could well kill me; but, by God, I’m taking you with me!”
These tales all have their dark overtones; but there is an innate sense of justice here, as well. Evil as these deeds may be, there is always justice at the end – be it divine or otherwise. So even if the skin crawls, there is a satisfaction that comes with reading these stories. Claudio is, first and foremost, a storyteller. If his methods tend to be picturesque, all the better; his style is not at all the humdrum, nor the commonplace. Be it on a boat out at sea, a plane in the sky, or a seedy bar in a port, somewhere, you are there, and your eyes stir your other senses. One can taste the salt air, hear the crowd around about him, or smell the rich, steaming earth. It is this terse yet highly descriptive narrator driving you to turn the next page, discover the next scene, hear the next noise. You find you can’t help yourself. That is a quality rare in a writer; and a coveted one, at that.
Even if you had never read any other works by Claudio, there would be no trouble in ascertaining that in this breast beats the heart of a poet; to be able to paint so complete a picture with so few words requires nothing less. It is this that makes us follow him down such dark passages; we trust we will come out safely on the other side. A touch bruised, mayhap; but wiser, nonetheless. Were we to arrive at the end completely unscathed, well – where’s the fun in that?
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*FYI: You can get a free Kindle download for your computer and apps where you purchase my book.
I promise you 8 very different stories and literary genres you will not soon forget. (Audio Book soon to follow).
Literary genres for this collection are: Maritime / Thriller-Suspense / Primitive / Fantasy / Supernatural / Psychological / Gothic / Horror / Philosophical and Of Human Interest.
Instead of pursuing Crowd Funding for 20 more books to come, already written, I am hoping one publication will support the next through public readership support since I do not have deep pockets but lots more stories and other literary, recorded and visual arts available through my website: www.ClaudioArts.com
Enjoy the book. Cheers!
“Claudio! BRAVO!”
“Claudio, you are as great an artist as any generation could hope to produce and you have a responsibility in your art.”
“The Stages and Screens of the world need more good writers like yourself. Best Regards.”
“You write the most beautiful poetry and amazing stories.”
“A true original.”
“I loved reading your literature and listening to your recordings.”
THEODORE BIKEL of: “Fiddler on the Roof.”
“Claudio is part Kipling, Poe, and London, with Henry David Thoreau thrown in for good measure.”
“Claudio is a writer and storyteller in the excellent tradition of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his great love of the English language is entirely evident in his craft as a wordsmith.”
LEONARD W. PHILLIPS / Founder-Owner of Phillips Oil Company.
“Claudio, Congratulations on the great success of your original production of Storytelling here at Theatre In The Park. Rarely is an independent work received with such overwhelming critical and popular support. To see an audience respond with a standing ovation after your opening night performance was encouraging to all of us producing original works. All of us at Theatre In The Park wish you continued success and we hope to have an opportunity to work together with you on future projects.”