Picture taken in my woods
Travel is a Teacher in Truth and Revelations.
Listen in your silence
to the calling of the Wind
for he is the echo
of Mother Nature’s song.
And should you submit your Spirit free
to wander far across the land
so in times to come
you will find reward
as you are led free
from the cage and prison
in which the Flesh condemns the Spirit.
Wanderers such as I
live not in mansions
but in fields
where Faith is the key
to open all doors;
Where the Earth is a carpet
and the Heavens a roof
and the Winds are music
to free the Spirit
and entertain the Soul.
The mansions of the rich
will crumble to the ashes
from which they were erected
And their hypocritical cries
will be rejected.
My house remains
to stand forever
And the only price I pay
is Faith, Love and Good Will.
In Faith
I find the courage to do
In love
I learn acceptance and understanding
And in Good Will to all Creation
I find the roads
upon which I travel
without obstacles
and ever within reach.
Written as advice to a traveling friend in early 1977 amid journeys of my own.
From your Rainbow Warrior Poet
In Stewardship
Claudio Oswald Niedworok