Picture and expression from your
Rainbow Warrior Poet on Turtle Island
Rainbow Warriors emerging as far as the eye can see
Rising up for Nature and for all life to be free
All colours and all races joining in to heed Her call
Taking on the corporations that mean extinction for US all
While greed in its ivory towers makes a mockery of life
Seeding their chaos factor for division and for strife
Standing firm in our convictions with our feet upon Mother Earth
We are armed with the sword of the spirit and by all our souls are worth
We’re turning back to Turtle Island where the waters still run clear
Where we’ll join in Sacred Circles our Ancestors to hear
And then we’ll rise across the world to conquer all dismay
Where we’ll heed the call for one and all and be upon our way
The Spirits of our Forefathers are standing in our midst
To lead US and to guide US as WE journey through the mist
Claudio Oswald Niedworok