A Wish for my Birthday on March 11th with a Tribute to my late beloved Mother.
A personal Birthday wish for myself and a tribute to Mama Mia. Greetings and Love and Light to my Family of Friends. This is a painting by my late beloved Mother Mathilde Paola Mair Niedworok and reflects her memories of Italy, Germany and South Africa. Germany and Africa we all had in common as a family but Italy was hers alone as that was her heritage. I honour her with my March 11th 2023 birthday this year. I do not collect funds for any of our self-enriching corporate institutions but would ask that we all show much more love, kindness and true generosity and concern to our animal ancestry and each other along with all living things that our Father/Creator placed upon and within our beloved Mother Earth. WE really have no other place to live and thrive and must give our all to protect and nurture and love and find our joy and balance in this intricate and sacred web of life right here and now and for the future of our children!
Godspeed and Namaste.
Claudio Oswald Niedworok