Claudio’s Watercolour Brush and Pen Abstracts have been referred to as both cubist and impressionistic. Claudio defines his works as Festival Colours… “My colours and my art are designed to rekindle our inner smile and romantic nature. To stimulate an appetite for the festival of the soul.”
Claudio admits to a Peter Max, Picasso, Salvador Dalí, African and Caribbean influence. His art has been exhibited in the Virgin Islands, the Yucatan, New York City and Raleigh’s West Side Gallery, Theatre in The Park (at the invitation of Director Ira David Wood III for the performance of “Burn This” featuring Terrence Mann and formerly for Claudio’s own maritime production of his book “SEAFARERS”), North Carolina State University’s Thompson Theatre (at the invitation of Director John McIlwee for the ensemble performance of “SEAFARERS” there) and also in prominent homes and establishments throughout The Greater Triangle Area.
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