About Claudio

in St. Thomas , USVI
- Whether before a symphony or in the spotlight alone, Claudio is an icon in his art.
- A skilled orator, he is frequently described as “Burton-esque” in his stage presence, voice and delivery.
- A published poet, author and recording artist, “a true original”; he has traveled the world extensively by land and by sea living and adventuring in exotic and dangerous regions.
- He was born a first generation German/Italian in Germany and spent a true “Huckleberry Finn” childhood in South Africa.
- His former career as a European Gourmet Chef was spent aboard the private yachts and schooners of American and International legends of the stage and screen.
- He continues to be inspired in his lifelong literary and artistic endeavours by the likes of Ray Bradbury, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Isak Dinesen, Jack London, Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Edgar Allen Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Kahlil Gibran and Gandhi, to name a few.
- “A master storyteller, poet, and a monarch of language, bending it to his will. He will on occasion grace a stage and put voice to that art-form that was created to be heard not read. His writings and performances are irresistible… A true tribute to the written and spoken word… The listener can not help but be swept along by each richly detailed, precisely worded litany. With a long history of standing ovations, this is theatre at its best.” (Alan R. Hall, The Chapel Hill News)
- Claudio has an extensive background in technical theatre along with a reputation, among peers and audiences alike, as an engaging, affable, and a hale fellow well met.
- His works on the stage are uniquely influenced by the legendary master of “storytelling in silence” Marcel Marceau, with whom Claudio shares a lasting and endearing personal friendship.
- For information on bookings or for a performance schedule, please contact Claudio.

Winning The Virgin Islands Yacht Show aboard the schooner Orianda in Tortola, BVI in 1985 – owned by “RUSH”
Claudio and The Carolina Theatre
“Claudio is an authentic poet and strongly dedicated to his art.”
– Marcel Marceau
“The stages and screens of the world need more good writers like yourself.”
– Jason Robards
“Keep in there Claudio and you’ll win!”
– Gordon MacRae
“I have really enjoyed your book and cd and truly regret not having tasted your cooking.”
– Theodore Bikel
“He is both a writer and storyteller in the excellent tradition of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Claudio’s love of the English language is entirely evident.”
– Leonard W. Phillips / Founder – Owner : Phillips Oil Co
“Claudio! Bravo!”
– Ray Bradbury
“You write the most beautiful poetry.”
– Alice Faye
“A true original!”
– Phil Harris
“Claudio is part Kipling, Poe and London.”
– Wendy Fautley; MGM Studios
“Claudio performs in a voice that has been compared to that of Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Sean Connery and Orson Welles.”
– Knight Chamberlain; The Pilot News

Opening Act at Raleigh’s State Fairgrounds for The 4th of July
“His works, performance and oratory skills are a true tribute to the written and spoken word.”
– Alan R. Hall; The Chapel Hill News
“I really enjoy working with Claudio and recommend him very highly.”
– Maestro Gerhardt Zimmermann, Professor of Instrumental Conducting
Director of Orchestral Activities, Jack G. Taylor Regents Professorship in Fine Arts, The University of Texas
“You gave an excellent performance in the U.S. Premier of GILGAMESH, Claudio!”
– Conductor William Henry Curry, The North Carolina Symphony
“Your work is filled with such rich imagery and delivered so masterfully.”
– Dr. Myles Martel, Communications Counsel for President Ronald Reagan
“Claudio is a voice for all he chooses to represent and a true talent.”
– Mayor Charles Wood of Lizard Lick, N.C.
“You use the sea as your metaphor but obviously draw from a much, much deeper well.”
– Audience member , Classic Coffees
“Your work is very satisfying… like eating a full good meal.”
– Robert M. Rice , 18th Century Living History Performer
“You put so much heart in your writing. Reading one of your poems is like watching you go through whatever you’re writing about.”
– Mike Cross, N.C. Folk Legend
“A wonderful Chef, great writer and performer; Only You!”
– Buck Ram and The Buck Ram Platters
“I really like your voice!”
– Garth Brooks