Scottio is my most recent rescue and part of my canine family.
Let US / WE THE PEOPLE / stop accepting the political agenda of a manipulative self-interested slave master mentality (on both sides of the political aisle) that keeps telling US that most of what WE ask for will either be too impractical or impossible to deliver while they fatten themselves with our tax dollars and spend them on continuous wars just so WE never benefit by them at all. It is an oppression known as FASCISM. Remind THEM who is THE BOSS and, massively, who they are working for. Let US shoot for the starlight of our heart’s true desires in a Government by the people and of the people and absolutely FOR THE PEOPLE! Shoot for the impossible and let US see how close WE can get to it instead of accepting defeat in advance from our sold out bureaucracies. The ones that get US there WE keep and those who fail US WE leave behind and VOTE THEM OUT! WE THE PEOPLE have to change this maddening cycle WE are in or it will never improve for US as repeating the same thing over and over again with each new election will never change the outcome!
Claudio Oswald Niedworok