Greetings and Love to my Family of Friends from down Memory Lane. Rocco was my former Co-Host on Claudio’s SpeakEasy and Radio Theatre on WCOM 103.5 FM / Tuesdays on Prime Time / which I retired as a hit show after an 8 year run. My former shows are still being aired to this day. Rocco’s splendid MUSIC HALL show on WCOM, 103.5 FM (every Saturday from 9:00 AM until noon / playing the best of the best since the radio station first started) hosted my good friend Jacques and his lovely daughter Kalabria Gilbert and myself today. We introduced Jacques Gilbert, the former Captain of the Apex Police Department, in his run to be the next Mayor of Apex, NC. A great time was had by all. It felt good to have my wits about me and to be interviewing on air again. Thank you, Rocco! Cheers!
Claudio Oswald Niedworok